Research Unit 7426

Pathophysiology of injury-induced immunosuppression (PI3)

Address :
Laboratoire d’Immunologie
H?p. E. Herriot, 69437 Lyon cedex 03
Phone :
04 72 11 97 52

Authority :

Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, HCL

Research topics

Through a translational research approach, our research group evaluates the pathophysiological mechanisms sustaining the development of injury-induced immunosuppression (sepsis, trauma, burns, and surgery) associated with increased mortality and risk of nosocomial infections.

Four main topics are developed:
-    Lymphocyte Alterations
-    Viral Reactivation
-    Clinical Studies
-    Role of Central Nervous System

Our goals are not only to improve our understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms leading to the development of injury-induced alterations but also to develop innovative biological tools for the monitoring of patients’ immune status in order to identify the most suppressed patients who could benefit from immunostimulation (IL-7, GM-CSF) or prophylactic measures (biomarker-guided stratification).

Host response – Immunosuppression – Systemic Inflammation – Nosocomial Infections – Translational Research


Immunology - Laboratory Medicine - Intensive Care Medicine – Physiology – Therapy - Diagnostic